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The First 5 Tips For Effective Interview Data Collection : Tip #4 is quite important.

Exploring into our 2nd data collection tool to increase our sensemaking abilities, this makes use of a qualitative method that is widely used, use these 10 tips to help you make it better

Interviews are used to collect data from a small group of subjects on a broad range of topics. You can use structured or unstructured interviews. Interviewing is a popular way of gathering qualitative research data because it is perceived as "talking," and talking is natural.

Structured interviews are comparable to a questionnaire, with the same questions in the same order for each subject and with multiple choice answers.

For unstructured interviews questions can differ per subject and can depend on answers given on previous questions, there is no fixed set of possible answers.

Digital Tools for interviewing online, the reason we use the following platforms is to raise the level of professionalism and seriousness during the interview:

Google Hangouts Microsoft Teams Skype For Business Bluejeans

Here are the 5 tips to make interviews effective :

Tip 1 : Use interviews only when it is appropriate

Qualitative interviewing is a data-collection tool that is useful in a range of methodological approaches and may therefore be applied to address a number of research questions. In this case, it is important to know what is your desired outcome of your interviews and determine if it is appropriate.

Tip 2 : Identify your intended interviewees /Demographics Before organizing any interview for qualitative data collection, identify the intended demographic necessary for your interview with any of the following for consideration:

  • Age.

  • Gender.

  • Ethnicity.

  • Geographic Area.

  • Educational attainment.

  • Income level.

  • Work Experience

TIP 3 : DO YOUR HOMEWORK Preparing the questions and learning how to facilitate a safe interview is paramount in hosting an interview. The importance of accurate preparation on behalf of the interviewer should not be underestimated (Brinkmann and Kvale 2005; Brinkmann 2014)

Doing background research on the topic allows for designing proper and scoped questions for the interview.When preparing for qualitative interviewing it is important to be familiar with the data recording equipment being used. The venue of the interview should also be considered as it may affect the data collection.

TIP 4 : Script your interviews & Test Your Questions Conducting a qualitative interview means that you may be asking your interviewees to reflect on matters that are potentially important to them, in some cases even life-changing. Having an unstructured interview may give rise to rich data but it may not be helping you with your desired outcome. The style of the interview is essential for creating a noninvasive and open dialog with interviewees (Krag Jacobsen 1993). Avoid using esoteric jargon in your research interview questions and instead adopt layman’s language when possible. *Great Tip : Start your interview with easy questions to increase safety of interviewee


An assessment of the cultural dimensions as well as power dimensions is necessary prior to the interview (Nimmon and Stenfors-Hayes 2016). Such an analysis could entail a consideration of what the interview situation affords and what obstacles are likely to occur. The understanding of the dimensions could prevent the interview as an invasive and provocative situation. People are cultural beings (Rogoff 2003) and may have different expectations of the interview situation #sensemaking #LemonadeAndLearn #enablingchange #skillsfuture #futureskills #criticalcoreskills #changesareimportant #navigatechangewithease #thinkingcritically #criticalthinking #criticalcoreskillssingapore #singapore #softskills #softskillstraining #softskillsdevelopment #alvigorod #skillsfuturesingapore #ccs #ccssingapore #alvigor #Interviews




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