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Jan 30, 20202 min read
Coronavirus: How Prepared Are We and How This Is a Huge Lesson on CHANGE
Coronavirus has become such a viral phenomenon. It is bringing back many memories for some of us for those who could remember the 'SARS'...

Jan 29, 20202 min read
Mamba Mentality For Your Organisation
We have all heard about how this year has been quite an invigorating one with the many different changes happening around the world...

Jan 23, 20203 min read
Ways to Deal with Passive-Aggressive Behaviours in Your Workplace
As a leader in your organization, have you ever experienced ‘pagro behaviour’ from your team members? Furthermore, do you notice this...

Jan 22, 20202 min read
The Truth About Open Space Offices
Open office plans are always raved about and have been on the trend for ages now. Most business leaders seem to think that the employees...

Jan 21, 20203 min read
How Colours Affect Productivity in the Workplace
What is your favourite colour? Have you ever wondered if your favourite colour has an impact on how you work? Many designers in the...

Jan 16, 20202 min read
3 Ways to Overcome Change Fatigue in Organisations
If there is anything to be understood about change, it is that it is inevitable to avoid resistance and fatigue. Humans aren't the...

Jan 15, 20202 min read
5 Signs That You Are Experiencing Change Fatigue
In the previous article, we have addressed what is change fatigue and what causes it. Tsunami of changes and Down and out are the two key...

Jan 14, 20201 min read
What Is Change Fatigue?
Imagine you are a sports professional who just discovered that your coach is about to be implementing changes to your exercise and diet...

Dec 26, 20192 min read
Can Cognitive Dissonance Work in Your Favor?
Have you ever tried to change a bad habit? It might be the habit of snacking on junk food or smoking cigarettes. If you take a close look...

Dec 19, 20191 min read
3 Powerful Steps for Staying Rational
In times of organizational change, it can be easy to get frazzled and overwhelmed and let your emotions hijack logic. When organizations...

Dec 11, 20191 min read
Creative and Critical Thinking
Can you practice creative and critical thinking? Find out by trying to guess the answer to the puzzle below! After you have made a...

May 9, 20172 min read
Effectiveness Starts With Efficiency
You CANNOT become EFFECTIVE without getting yourself organised. Why be organised first? It creates efficiency. Take the least amount of...

Jul 2, 20153 min read
Tyranny of the “SHOULD” Inputs from Karen Horney’s Research
We all experience an inner compulsion on how we should be, how we should feel, how we should behave, what we should know—and taboos on...

May 23, 20151 min read
You Cannot DEMAND That I Respect You
This morning a former participant from our leadership programme had tagged me in a question he had. He was eager to find out if not...
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